Thursday 14 August 2014

10 health benefits of stopping smoking


Smoking’s bad for your health, but exactly how does quitting make life better? Here are 10 ways your health will improve when you stop smoking.
Hút thuốc có hại cho sức khỏe, nhưng chính xác thì từ bỏ (hút thuốc) làm cho cuộc sống tốt hơn như thế nào?
Chúng ta có thể nói gần hơn:
Smoking is bad for the lungs because it causes lung cancer and chronic respiratory diseases [bệnh về đường hô hấp], according to Medical News Today.

Better sex

Stopping smoking (sau stop + V-ing: stop sth forever: dừng một thứ gì đó mãi mãi) improves the body’s blood flow (lưu thông khí huyết), so (vì thế) improves (cải thiện) sensitivity (a person's feelings which might be easily offended or hurt: cảm xúc của một người có thể dễ bị đau/ảnh hưởng hoặc offended: buồn bực). Men who stop smoking may get better erections (cương cứng) (if a man has an erection, his penis is hard (cứng) and stands up (đứng, dựng đứng) because he is sexually excited nứng/hứng tình). Women may find that their orgasms (bộ phận sinh dục) improve and they become aroused (dễ lên đỉnh, dễ có cảm xúc, có hứng, muốn làm tình) more easily. It’s also been found that non-smokers (những người không hút thuốc) are three times more appealing (hấp dẫn gấp 3 lần) to prospective partners (bạn tình) than smokers (one of the advantages, perhaps, of smelling fresh).
Find out (tìm kiếm ra) more tips for having good sex.

Improved fertility / Cải thiện sự thụ thai

Non-smokers find it easier to get pregnant (có thai/có bầu/đậu trứng). Quitting smoking (quit + V-ing: thoát vĩnh viễn cái gì) improves the lining of the womb (womb = uterus: the organ in women and female animals in which babies develop before they are born: cơ quan sinh dục của nữ hoặc động vật cái ở đó con phát triển trước khi được sinh ra: tử cung) and can make men’s sperm (tinh trùng nam) more potent (powerful). Becoming a non-smoker increases the possibility (khả năng) of conceiving (become pregnant with a child) through IVF and reduces (giảm) the likelihood (xác suất) of having a miscarriage. Most importantly, it improves the chances of giving birth to a healthy baby.
miscarriage: the process of giving birth to a baby before it is fully developed and able to survive; an occasion when this happens (sảy thai)
to have a miscarriage: sảy thai
Read more about how to protect your fertility.

Younger looking skin/da dẻ trông trẻ trung hơn

Stopping smoking has been found to slow (làm chậm) facial ageing/aging (NAmE) (nhăn da mặt/già thể hiện trên da mặt/có tuổi qua khuôn mặt) and delay (làm chậm) the appearance of wrinkles (sự xuất hiện đồi mồi). The skin of a non-smoker (da dẻ của những người không hút thuốc) gets more nutrients (trở nên có nhiều chất dinh dưỡng = da dẻ trở nên hồng hào vì có nhiều dinh dưỡng), including oxygen, and can reverse the sallow, lined complexion that smokers often have.
Watch this video to find out how smoking can ruin your looks.

Whiter teeth/răng trắng

Giving up tobacco (bỏ thuốc lá/từ bỏ thuốc lá) stops ngăn cản teeth becoming stained trở nên , and you'll have fresher breath. Ex-smokers are less likely than smokers to get gum disease and lose their teeth prematurely.
Find out more about dental health.

Better breathing

People breathe more easily and cough less when they give up smoking because their lung capacity improves by up to 10% within nine months. In your 20s and 30s, the effect of smoking on your lung capacity may not be noticeable until you go for a run, but lung capacity naturally diminishes with age. In later years, having maximum lung capacity can mean the difference between having an active, healthy old age and wheezing when going for a walk or climbing the stairs.

Longer life

Half of all long-term smokers die early from smoking-related diseases, including heart disease, lung cancer and chronic bronchitis. Men who quit smoking by 30 add 10 years to their life. People who kick the habit at 60 add three years to their life. In other words, it’s never too late to benefit from stopping. Quitting not only adds years to your life, but it also greatly improves the chance of a disease-free, mobile, happier old age.

Less stress

Scientific studies show that people's stress levels are lower after they stop smoking. Nicotine addiction makes smokers stressed from the ‘withdrawal’ between cigarettes. The pleasant feeling of satisfying that craving is only temporary and is not a real cure for stress. Also, the improved levels of oxygen in the body means that ex-smokers can concentrate better and have increased mental wellbeing.

Improved smell and taste

Kicking the smoking habit gives your senses of smell and taste a boost. The body is recovering from being dulled by the hundreds of toxic chemicals found in cigarettes.

More energy

Within 2 to 12 weeks of stopping smoking, your circulation improves. This makes all physical activity, including walking and running, much easier.
Quitting also boosts your immune system, making it easier to fight off colds and flu. The increase in oxygen in the body makes ex-smokers less tired and less likely to have headaches.

Healthier loved ones

By stopping smoking you'll be protecting the health of your non-smoking friends and family.
Passive smoking increases a non-smoker's risk of lung cancer, heart disease and stroke. Second-hand smoke makes children twice at risk of chest illnesses, including pneumonia, croup(swollen airways in the lungs) and bronchitis, plus more ear infections, wheezing and asthma. They also have three times the risk of getting lung cancer in later life compared with children who live with non-smokers.
Now, read about smoking treatments available on the NHS and find out how to get started on stopping smoking.

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